Mother Nature Helps BF Goodrich Launch KO2

There are many factors that are within my control (somewhat) to create a memorable product launch for my clients but there is one element in particular, that I will never have any control over, that being the weather. So, can you imagine… an outdoor product launch—in Canada, in February?

In the previous post I blogged about Ford of Canada’s launch of the All New F-150 so you can appreciate there’s no better location to showcase a pickup truck’s capabilities in a variety of conditions than the great outdoors. But what I didn’t tell you was the trucks were equipped with BF Goodrich’s New All Terrain T/A KO2 tires and that on one of our event days Mother Nature attended in full force.

product-launch-marketing-event-dog-sledsThere are a lot of variables when you host an event outdoors in the middle of a Canadian winter. And, when your event runs from February 16-20…there’s a very good chance it won’t be all sun and blue skies. But there was certainly a lot of cooperation; because evidence of Mother Nature’s presence was greatly appreciated in the outdoor activities, we had prepared for the media. The ample snowfall the stunning Charlevoix region had received this winter was ideal for our participants to enjoy a leisurely dog sled ride. Or, to get the journalist’s adrenalin pumping when the KO2’s handled a run through the deep snow with ease.

Now, under ‘normal’ circumstances on an event day one might hope for a little sunshine and clear visibility on the snow covered roads the KO2’s would be travelling on. But on February 19th, in Charlevoix, Quebec the conditions were anything but sunshine and clear visibility. Picture… a howling north wind, accumulating snow, ice and poor visibility verging on white outs in some places—not exactly what I’d hoped for—it was even better. 

launching a new productThe elements Mother Nature threw our way were Canadian winter conditions at their best—so to speak, and therefore presented our journalists with an opportunity to see how the KO2 would handle them. The KO2 met the challenge head on and according to Derek McNaughton from Driving, “these tires eat snow!” Well done KO2.

It’s not too often I’m thankful for bad weather conditions but for this launch event it really was perfect. Thank you Mother Nature, please keep cooperating.

Has bad weather ever contributed to your event’s success?

Watch Derek McNaughton tackle winter:

launching new BF Goodrich product

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